

Morbidly Obtuse (Morb) is a 40-something non-binary person living and working in the Netherlands. Ever since their birth certificate got rectified into having an X, Morb has been running into unnecessary, strange, offensive and borderline discriminatory situations in which the lack of a non-binary option with an organization is the problem. After about a year of this, they decided to write these situations down, including the companies and organisations that are involved, in the hope that it can help out other genderqueers when they’re sorting this shit out. Oh, and if you are one of the companies that is the problem: just add a friggin third option to that SQL database of yours. It’s really not that complicated. This is not meant to be a sob story, merely a documentation of the things Morb bumps into, in the hopes of helping others that have similar encounters.

The Landlord

A few months back the apartment I live in was sold.

With me in it.

When it comes to landlords, I feel there’s a special part of hell reserved just for them…

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